We came home on Christmas Eve night so Santa could visit Penny at home on her first Christmas.
We're making our own Christmas traditions, starting with Mass on Christmas morning. We took Penny to see baby Jesus in the manger.
After Church, we opened a few presents. Nana, Papa and the Aunties came over to spoil Penny and to eat dinner. Dinner ended up being a little later than we planned- three days in the fridge wasn't long enough to thaw that big turkey. So, we had extra time to play!
Penny is one lucky lady. She got so many cool gifts from her grandparents, her aunts and their boyfriends!
Some of the coolest gifts were a Lady Goo Goo outfit from Grandma (you'll see it in pictures when she grows into it...we don't want to ruin the surprise- it's an awesome outfit) and a Hallmark story book read/recorded by Nana.
Here's the crew on Christmas night, patiently waiting for that turkey to cook.
The day after Christmas, we headed up to Center Valley to see the Fitz cousins. Penny had so much fun playing with everyone! Mommy did not take enough pictures, but here are a few...
Penny learned that the most important part of any holiday meal is the dessert.
She had a blast playing with the big girls.
She was very interested in watching the boys play their video games. And, she loved sweet Baby Jane. Too bad mommy didn't catch the two little ladies in a picture. We had to leave much earlier than we wanted to because of this-
Mother Nature treated us to a few inches of snow the day after Christmas. We took Penny outside to play the next morning while Daddy shoveled the driveway. She had a great time!

We took a quick trip to Kayte & Tommy's house to play with Luke, their families and Pierce & Gina. And, we took another little visit to Nana & Papa's to help with some projects.
We've spent the rest of our break playing with all the amazing toys. We decided to turn the living room into a Penny's play room. We're happy with the results and we think she is too.
Here comes trouble!
We had such a great Christmas! We are so thankful for the time we've had off from work, for the visits we've been able to fit in, and for everyone who helped to make Penny's first Christmas a great one. We hope you all had a Merry Christmas and that 2011 brings you health and happiness!
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