Sunday, March 27, 2011


Penny loves to play Peek-A-Boo. She plays it in the car with her blankie and she plays it in her high chair with her hands. She plays it in church with the couple who sit near us and she plays it in her crib when we get her from her naps.

Since she received her first peek-a-boo book from our friend Lori (the Farm book), she's had tons of fun playing peek a boo with the animals and babies from the story. Grandma and Grandpa found a few other Peek-A-Boo books at their local book store and sent them for Penny. Every night, we read through all six peek-a-boo books. She is starting to recognize some of the animals and toys. When we get to the teddy bear page of one of the books, she stops to show me that there is a teddy bear on the cover of another book. And, when we get to the page with the train, she looks across the room to find her alphabet train and makes a "t" noise. Out of all the cute things she does while reading, my favorite is when she gets to the mirrored page of one of the books...she kisses herself in the mirror :)

Thank you Lori, Grandma & Grandpa! These books have given us hours of entertainment. It's so much fun to watch her learn while we're reading!

Weekend play time!

The best thing about our weekends is play time!

Paparazzi in training...

Reading with Papa Playing in her house
Ride 'em cowgirl!
That's not a pillow daddy! That's my buggy!
Playtime is the best! This weekend was another great one! We had lots of playtime, went to the pool, took a trip to NJ for Allison, Kris & Sophie's going away party, went to church and had a visit from Nana and Papa.

Penny is making us proud. She used the potty a few times this weekend! We're not ready to start full time potty training, but we'll continue to use the potty before bath and whenever she lets us know that she's going to be far she's off to a great start!

First trip to the pool!

Penny took her first trip to the pool this weekend.We've been thinking about starting swim lessons and I think we've decided that we're going to teach her on our own. The water was a little too cold for Princess P's liking, but she had a blast watching daddy swim some laps! She also loved watching the swim lessons kids jump off the diving board. I think she would have jumped if we would have let her! We're looking forward to swimming with Penny this summer. We think she'll like the water much better when the sun is out to warm things up!

Happy Birthday Aunt Missy!

Happy Birthday Aunt Missy! Hope it was a great one :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Potty Dance!

Tonight before bath time we did the potty dance for the first time! Penny sits on the potty every night before bath and tonight she tinkled...we are so proud!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Time for more baby proofing! Penny is teaching us slowly but surely. My little helper loves to open the cabinets, touch the dishes, look at me to see if I'm giving her "the look" and then close the door.Daddy and I reorganized the kitchen this afternoon, so Penny can safely play in a few cabinets. She's now locked out of the rest.
We celebrated St. Patrick's day this week! We had amazing weather and had fun playing outside with the sidewalk chalk. They've started building a home on the lot next to ours. Penny loves to watch the construction workers. She waves to them and says hi. One of the workers beeps the horn for her and she gets so excited! When they're done working, she loves walking close to the diggers to see what they're all about. She's not afraid to walk outside anymore! Now I have to run to keep up with her!She looks so little next to that big backhoe!
Penny is having a blast riding her tricycle around the driveway! And, although it's spring, I can't put put this snowman away with the winter decorations. He's Penny's friend. She loves to give him hugs!Happy Spring!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

St. Patty's Day 5K & Parade

We spent our Saturday in Morristown, NJ.
Penny ran her first 5K with Aunt Missy, Eric, Aunt Becky, Adam & I.Penny loved the race :) She was talking up a storm the whole way as we weaved in and out of the crowd. Running a 5K with the stroller was an adventure- it is quite a challenge to pass slower runners and walkers in a crowd...much different than running a 5K on your own! But, it was so much fun to take Penny along for the ride and we can't wait to run another race in May :)

We met up with Aunt Mary, Uncle Tomas, Emily & Chloe for the St. Patty's Day Parade in Morristown. Chloe had a front row seat on her daddy's lap :) And Penny enjoyed her bird's eye view perched on top of Aunt Miss' shoulders.
Penny had a blast playing with her cousins. And, I think they had just as much fun playing with her!Mary saved us a seat near a grassy patch, so the girls were able to stretch their legs when they got antsy.Nana Lou had a great time with Penny at the parade too!After the parade, we played at Aunt Miss' house for a few minutes before heading home. Penny chased her shadow up and down the driveway, trying to catch it. I wish I had thought to snap a photo, but I was too busy chasing after her :)

We had a great time in New Jersey! Happy St. Patty's Day to all!

13 months

I'm catching up on photos from the camera...Penny enjoyed a visit from Aunt Heidi :)

And, someone is 13 months old already!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Is it spring yet?

We've been feeling a little under the weather around here. After two bouts of fever, Penny now has a yucky cough. Needless to say, we're ready for the spring weather to come so we can get rid of these winter germs!
Even when she's not feeling her best, Penny still shows us how to have fun. It's fun to climb in and out windows...who needs the door?
It's fun to brush your teeth :)
It's fun to do your taxes. Alright, maybe it's not fun to do your taxes, but it's fun to get your return :) Especially when you have an adorable new deduction this year!
It's fun to dance!
Penny loves to shake it :)
And, it's fun to drive the bus all over the house!
Even though she's not feeling 100%, she's still learning every day. Daddy, hi and all done are still Penny's favorite words, but she's also saying
  • this (for what is this or I want this)
  • shoes (shoos)
  • geese (we've got a ton in our neighborhood and Penny loves to watch them)
  • tree (tee)

and a few others that aren't so clear. She really loves words that begin with the letter, doll, Dean (her classmate at school)...when she says them, they all sort of sound like "dee". And, we think she's learned the word no, although her version sounds like "na".

Penny knows where her hair, nose, belly and toes are and she loves to point to them.
She recognizes certain songs. When the Itsy Bitsy Spider comes on our CD in the car, she throws her hands in the air and shakes the rain down.
Penny is learning in and out during bath time. She takes her frog toy and puts it in the cup and says "in" and then dumps him out into the bath and says "out".
She's starting to drink more milk from her sipper cup every day. And, she likes to drink water out of a glass.
She loves to help me mix things in the kitchen. I give her a bowl and spoon to play with on the floor, but if she sees me mixing something, she wants to help me hold my spoon.
With all this learning, we're a little tired! Time for bed! Hope you all have a great night!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Penny Lou Who

Penny Lou Who and I read some Dr. Seuss today in honor of his birthday!
We hope you all remembered a lesson or two from the great Dr. Seuss...
"If you read with your eyes shut
you're likely to find
that the place where you're going
is far, far behind."
- from Dr. Seuss in I Can Read with My Eyes Shut