Friday was a rough day! But we can laugh about it now. My day was just off from the get go. I was taking Penny to school for Mother's Day breakfast. While attempting to put her hair in pig tails (which involves a wrestling match), I made the mistake of letting her play with two hair clips. By the time the pigtails were in, the hair clips were no where to be found. I searched all over her room and couldn't find them. I worried that she ate them as I looked in every nook and cranny of her room. I gave her another clip to play with and she tried to put it in her hair, so my fear that she ate them started to subside. I wondered if I was going insane. I searched high and low for ten minutes until I found them in my shirt. Silly Penny! Needless to say, we were late! But it makes for a good story and although my day got worse from there, I can laugh about it today!