Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Visit with the Audiologist

Porter had his first audiologist visit today. We will be visiting with the audiologist every few months to make sure Porter can hear. Because his ears are lower set and because his ear/sinus/nose structure is a little smaller than a typical six month old, he's at a higher risk for hearing loss due to fluid build up.
He had a few different tests done today and he did great! He is having some issues with negative pressure, which is a little concerning, but not uncommon given his anatomy. As a precaution and to get a baseline for future visits, we attempted another test that is normally performed under sedation, but in his natural state of sleep. He slept like an angel and we were able to complete a test where they checked his response to different sound frequencies. He responded to all frequencies, which tells us that he can hear :). We had a great visit and look forward to seeing our audiologist again...bonus- she went to Bloomsburg!
Here's little man sleeping after his test...I didn't have the heart to pull the stickey off while he was sleeping.

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