We had our first visitors- Nana Lou and Poppa C, Becky & Adam, Missy & Eric. They cooked us dinner and made sure our fridge was stocked for the week.
Our second day home was Valentine's Day and we consider Penny to be the best Valentine's gift ever. Penny had a sleepover with Aunt Missy that night. They had girl talk and stayed up late! Aunt Missy worked a late night shift and let us catch a few great hours of sleep while she rocked with Penny.
On Monday, President's Day, we had our two-day weight check at the pediatrician. We met with the nurse practitioner and she answered all our questions. Penny gained one ounce since she was discharged from the hospital :)
On Tuesday, my old roomie Heidi came to meet Miss Penelope. They were instant friends and Penny slept in Aunt Heidi's arms the entire visit. Thanks Heidi for treating us to dinner! We really appreciate it and can't wait for you to come play with Penny again. That night, Penny had her first sponge bath at home. She got so excited, she peed all over daddy! She is not a fan of being naked and was very happy once her bath was finished.
Throughout our first few days home, we've learned quite a bit about our daughter and she's learned quite a bit about us. Mommy tends to get stressed and Daddy is so calm with her! She's quickly becoming a Villanova basketball fan...she loves to nap on daddy while he watches the games. She's so strong! She is a much happier baby when she has socks on her feet. She rocks at tummy time and loves short periods of play time on her boppy mat. We can't wait to learn more about her as we watch her grow.
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