She's 19 months old. Absolute craziness! She keeps us on our toes.
She's got big opinions. Her favorite song is Twinkle Twinkle and she's starting to sing along with her music. She sings parts of "Yankee Noodle" (we're working on the doodle part), Row Row Row Your Boat, I've Been Working on the Railroad and She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain, along with others. She has a favorite Elmo CD for the car and her favorite songs on that CD are Splish Splash and the ABC's. She has a special love for Elmo and even named one of her fish "Elmo Fish".
Her memory is amazing. She knows every one's name at school. When I pick her up, she likes to name everyone on the playground and all the teacher's too. She knows our neighbor's names and loves to shout their names as they drive down the street. This weekend, out of the blue, she told me she was going to share mac & cheese and her jeep with Luke because she remembered sharing those things during his visit two weeks ago. Yesterday, when Penny woke up, we saw a baby deer munching on grass in the front yard. This morning, she wanted to go look for the baby deer. I know they're just little things, but she amazes me with what she remembers!
She is my best shopping buddy! As we walk through the fruit and veggie department, we name the produce. Her favorite name is squash and saying the word puts her into a fit of giggles. Needless to say, she's a hit with the senior citizens in the store! I've never had so much fun grocery shopping.
She's very interested in looking at pictures. Lucky for her, I've taken a few. If we're stuck waiting somewhere, we flip through the pictures on my phone and she talks about all the fun adventures we've had.
At dinner time, she's eating with a spoon and a fork. We've recently started eating cheerios with milk and she has a blast trying to get every last drop of milk onto her spoon. She's been a little picky with foods lately- it's hard to get her to try new things these days, but we're working on it. She still loves ravi's, mac & cheese and fruit.
She is a helper in the kitchen. She loves to help me make banana bread and waffles. She knows that when we crack eggs we need to wash our hands and loves to help measure and mix.
Our bedtime routine is getting smoother and she's generally sleeping well. She loves to read books before bed. Aunt Becky gave her some Penelope books about a little bear named Penelope- Penelope in Winter, Penelope on the Farm, Penelope Goes to School. They have tabs to pull and Penny loves these books. She pronounces her name "Pen-A-Pea". It's super cute!
She is a helper in the kitchen. She loves to help me make banana bread and waffles. She knows that when we crack eggs we need to wash our hands and loves to help measure and mix.
Our bedtime routine is getting smoother and she's generally sleeping well. She loves to read books before bed. Aunt Becky gave her some Penelope books about a little bear named Penelope- Penelope in Winter, Penelope on the Farm, Penelope Goes to School. They have tabs to pull and Penny loves these books. She pronounces her name "Pen-A-Pea". It's super cute!
We're getting a bit of attitude these days. Tonight at dinner, when I asked her to finish, she stuck her fingers in her ears. We've found that distraction is still the best form of discipline. We've tried time out, which consists of us sitting on the step with her and talking about what just happened and why we shouldn't do it, and she loves it. She asks to go in time out as soon as she does something not-so-nice (usually at dinner time when she is tired...she's recently thrown food and tried to tip her chair back by putting her stinky little feet up on the table). We tell her we're sad that she's not being nice and show her how to correct the behavior. And, it seems to be working. We'll keep trying. And, we know we'll have to adapt our discipline as she grows and learns.
We're having a blast at 19 months. We can't wait to see what she learns in the next few months! And, we can't wait for the holiday's to come :)
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