My college roomies came to visit this past weekend. We shared a room senior year. Between the four of us, we have six amazing little girls. We couldn't have asked for a nicer weekend!
The girls LOVED playing together. Mady organized a show and the older girls played along. They showed off their dance moves and creativity- it's so cool to get a preview of the things that Penny will be doing in the coming months! Mady and Ella go to dance class and it was so much fun to see what they've been learning.
Penny had fun sharing her swing set with her friends. She usually rides the tire swing by herself and I can tell you from the size of her smiles- it was tons more fun with her friends! Myah and Ella were such good sports- they let us go slow at first so Penny could get used to spinning before we picked up speed!
Penny has a ways to go in learning how to share. She does good sharing with the older girls, but when Leah wanted to get in on the action, Penny had a hard time sharing her toys. Luckily, Leah was the happiest little lady and didn't seem to mind. And, by the end of Sunday, Penny was saying "Share Leah" and seemed to be making progress in the sharing department.
Penny learned a few things from Myah. Since their visit, Penny has been doing much better with the stairs to the slide and is sliding down on her own with no fear! She learned so many amazing things by watching her friends play.
Miss Lily is the smallest of the bunch. She was an absolute doll baby! She hardly made a peep and rewarded us with these amazing smiles :)
The girls had fun eating together. Penny felt like such a big kid sitting at the table!
And, when it was time for bed, we read some stories and said some prayers to thank God for our amazing friendships. I LOVE that our girls are growing up together and hope that they'll all be friends in college, just like their mommies!
After everyone left, Penny continued to talk about the fun we had. I love that she calls the girls "Penny friends." She has been having fun looking at the photos with me and has been reminding me that she wants to share and play with each of the girls. I couldn't ask for better friends and am so excited that we'll get to watch our girls grow up together! Thanks ladies! LOVE YOU!!!!
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