Sunday, October 14, 2012

Buddy Walk 2012

Settle in- this is a long one :)
Our first Buddy Walk has come and gone. The day after, it felt like the morning after our wedding - we were so excited by what just happened and we wanted to do it all over again! I'm already counting the days until Buddy Walk 2013!
From the moment we arrived to the stadium, walking down the path lined with the Radnor HS football & cheer teams (who chanted Porter's name and filled this Mama's eyes with happy tears), we knew that it would be an amazing experience.
Despite the rain, we had almost 50 friends and family members who came to walk with us, to celebrate Porter and all his Buddies!
The kids bounced and played on the field before the walk got started. Penny had a blast!
At 10:30, we made our way to the track and got to walking, just as it started to rain.
Armed with strollers, ponchos and umbrellas, we walked. Surrounded by people who love our Porter. We got to be part of something amazing!
As we walked, the announcer read the names of all 100+ teams and gave shout outs as larger teams walked by.
We saw our team name on the billboard :) We felt the love.
Penny walked, hand in hand with Ella. They talked about little kid stuff the entire way :)
Aunt Missy made Penny the most awesome sign that said "I'm proud of my little brother Porter!" So proud!
Porter slept right through his meet-up with his friend Jane...isn't she the sweetest? Her team, The Jane Train, was out in full force :)
 Porter had a superstar on his team- our friend Ashlee!
Ashlee said The Pledge of Allegiance right next to the Phillie Phanatic. And when it was over, she took the mic, thanked everyone for coming and cheered for a stadium full of people. She's fearless! Many thanks to all the Crater's for spending the day with us and for being part of Porter's Peeps!
 When it was all done, we took the party to Flip & Bailey's, our old hangout.   
 Back when we were young and fun (and back when the bar was called The Wild Onion), RC used to meet up with Uncle Chris every Sunday to watch football.  Mommy, Kayte, Sarah, Pete and the rest of the crew all made guest appearances.  This was our first trip with the kiddos, and we can just picture Penny & Luke sitting in these very same chairs 19 years from now!
We had an amazing day! Porter smiled up a storm, as usual. 

 I owe more thanks thank I can possibly give. To our family, friends and co-workers who braved the rain to walk with us, thank you! To everyone who donated, thank you! To everyone who has sent prayers and words of encouragement, thank you! And, to everyone who loves Porter, THANK YOU!
We can't wait for Buddy Walk 2013! We hope you'll join us!

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