Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
If anyone is interested in ordering, please let me know by Thursday.
Sick Day
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Dress up
Penny played dress up for the first time last night. What did she pick to dress up in? Daddy's shirt. Daddy was putting his shirt in the laundry and she started to play with it. So, I put it on her and she thought it was great!
She marched around her toy room proudly wearing Daddy's shirt. Look how happy she was!
Her smile couldn't possibly be any bigger :)
Penny loves her Daddy!
Monday, January 24, 2011
January fun
It's cold here! Bitterly cold. We've been having fun inside- having dance parties and snuggling to stay warm :)
We had a nice relaxing weekend. We took a trip to the grocery store to find more Penny-friendly foods. On this trip, we bought a honeydew, a cantaloupe (she likes both), some blueberries (she's not sure about the skin) and spinach and cheddar perogies (she loves them!). So far, ravioli and perogies seem to be her favorite adult foods. After the year-end craziness ends at work, I'm hoping to attempt to make some Penny friendly perogies with some chicken and veggies inside. I grew up eating home made perogies and Penny should too. I'll need my Gram to guide me!
Penny has been having fun playing in her new toy room. She runs from one toy to the next and cracks herself up laughing. I downloaded an album of kid's songs from itunes and we laugh and giggle along with the music while we play.
Penny is really starting to talk! She tells us she is "all done" when she doesn't want to eat anymore and she repeats it when we get out of the bath tub. She tries so hard to repeat things we say to her, so we really have to watch what we're saying these days! We're having so much fun with her!
P.S. Happy Birthday Godfather Alex!
Penny has been having fun playing in her new toy room. She runs from one toy to the next and cracks herself up laughing. I downloaded an album of kid's songs from itunes and we laugh and giggle along with the music while we play.
Penny is really starting to talk! She tells us she is "all done" when she doesn't want to eat anymore and she repeats it when we get out of the bath tub. She tries so hard to repeat things we say to her, so we really have to watch what we're saying these days! We're having so much fun with her!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Weekends go by way too fast!
Penny here...I had another nice weekend. I kept this lady busy...I walked from one room to another and back all weekend.
She said she wanted to work out more, right?
In other news, I think I finally have the hang of this sippy cup thing.
I run the house with my computer. I used the computer to email daddy while he was in Ohio...I really missed him and I'm glad to have him home!
These crazy kids came to visit me. They tried to surprise me, but I was sleepy
and spent the first hour and a half of their visit napping.
Godmother Kellie also stopped by. I had so much fun playing and laughing with her!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Eleven Months
- She's walking! Walking is now her preferred mode of travel. She is getting steadier and faster every day. We're babyproofing more and more every day.
- She's very proud of herself. Whenever she does something good, she claps for herself! It's adorable.
- She's starting to try to repeat words when we talk to her. It's time to pay attention to the words that are coming out of our mouths, to the sounds coming out of the tv and the lyrics coming out of the radio. The other night, she said "teeth" while we were brushing our teeth :) She calls my glasses "dasses" and she tries to say "duck" every night in the tub. Her favorite words are still hi and dada/daddy/dad.
- She's already mocking me. I say "mama" to her and she smiles and says "dada". Try as I might, I can not get her to call me "mama".
- She's graduated to napping on a big girl mat at daycare.
- She hates to wear socks. She pulls them off and swings them around with a big smile on her face.
- She loves Elmo. Aunt Megan got her an Elmo that talks for Christmas and she loves to play with him. We'll occasionally watch video clips on the Sesame Street website and she cheers when she sees Elmo.
- She loves to dance. Whenever we hear music, she starts to shake her little bum and swing her little hips.
- She loves her new play room. We turned our living room into Penny-land. She's free to roam and she has a great time moving between her blocks, her rocking horse, her laugh and learn table, her books and everywhere in between. She is one lucky girl!
- Her favorite foods are cheese, yogurt, canned pears cut into small chunks and crackers. She is a somewhat picky eater and a drama queen when you feed her something she doesn't like. One day she will love her veggies and the next she'll refuse them. Over Christmas break, she had a piece of a Chick-fil-a chicken tender and some pizza...of course she loved them! We're trying to integrate more solids and adult food into her diet. My goal for 2011 is to start to cook more food for Penny on the weekends. I'd like to be feeding her more whole/fresh foods, as opposed to Gerber.
- She's starting to become more interested in books. She still loves to read Little Duck and Farm Peek-A-Boo most days, but she's branching out every day. Her favorite books continue to be books with fuzzy animals and books with pages that flip up or pull out,
She's growing and learning new things every day. She'll be one before we know it. The past eleven months have flown by. She makes us smile every day and we can't wait to see what she'll do next.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Today is 1-11-11 and Penny is eleven months old today!
Penny got a new guardian angel today.
Great Grandma Thompson passed away this morning.
Please keep Grandpa, Daddy and all of their family members in your prayers.
We are so thankful for the amazing visits Penny and Great Grandma shared. Great Grandma drove out for a visit this spring, after tax season, to meet her newest little peanut.
She came back out for Penny's baptism in June. And, we took a trip to Cleveland in August.
As you can see from these pictures, she was a pretty awesome great grandma. She gave me some of the best marriage advice and mommy advice that I've ever received. And, she spoke my language- she worked for H&R Block. I'm going to miss talking accounting with her! I was so crazy excited the day she sent Penny the bib that reads "I'm a new tax deduction!"
We know that Great Grandma Thompson loved her grand kids and great grand kids more than anything! We look forward to sharing stories and memories with Penny as she grows.
God Bless Great Grandma!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Our Little Dancing Queen!
Penny got a laugh & learn table for Christmas from Aunt Becky and Adam. Little did we know, but Penny's quite the little dancer. She loves to shake it to the songs!
We've been having so much fun dancing with her! She giggles and gives us the biggest smile!
Hope your year is off to a great start! Love, Penny
p.s. Please say some prayers for Great Grandma Thompson!
We've been having so much fun dancing with her! She giggles and gives us the biggest smile!
Hope your year is off to a great start! Love, Penny
p.s. Please say some prayers for Great Grandma Thompson!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
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