It's cold here! Bitterly cold. We've been having fun inside- having dance parties and snuggling to stay warm :)
We had a nice relaxing weekend. We took a trip to the grocery store to find more Penny-friendly foods. On this trip, we bought a honeydew, a cantaloupe (she likes both), some blueberries (she's not sure about the skin) and spinach and cheddar perogies (she loves them!). So far, ravioli and perogies seem to be her favorite adult foods. After the year-end craziness ends at work, I'm hoping to attempt to make some Penny friendly perogies with some chicken and veggies inside. I grew up eating home made perogies and Penny should too. I'll need my Gram to guide me!
Penny has been having fun playing in her new toy room. She runs from one toy to the next and cracks herself up laughing. I downloaded an album of kid's songs from itunes and we laugh and giggle along with the music while we play.
Penny is really starting to talk! She tells us she is "all done" when she doesn't want to eat anymore and she repeats it when we get out of the bath tub. She tries so hard to repeat things we say to her, so we really have to watch what we're saying these days! We're having so much fun with her!
P.S. Happy Birthday Godfather Alex!
Penny has been having fun playing in her new toy room. She runs from one toy to the next and cracks herself up laughing. I downloaded an album of kid's songs from itunes and we laugh and giggle along with the music while we play.
Penny is really starting to talk! She tells us she is "all done" when she doesn't want to eat anymore and she repeats it when we get out of the bath tub. She tries so hard to repeat things we say to her, so we really have to watch what we're saying these days! We're having so much fun with her!
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