Even though she's not feeling 100%, she's still learning every day. Daddy, hi and all done are still Penny's favorite words, but she's also saying
- this (for what is this or I want this)
- shoes (shoos)
- geese (we've got a ton in our neighborhood and Penny loves to watch them)
- tree (tee)
and a few others that aren't so clear. She really loves words that begin with the letter D...duck, doll, Dean (her classmate at school)...when she says them, they all sort of sound like "dee". And, we think she's learned the word no, although her version sounds like "na".
Penny knows where her hair, nose, belly and toes are and she loves to point to them.
She recognizes certain songs. When the Itsy Bitsy Spider comes on our CD in the car, she throws her hands in the air and shakes the rain down.
Penny is learning in and out during bath time. She takes her frog toy and puts it in the cup and says "in" and then dumps him out into the bath and says "out".
She's starting to drink more milk from her sipper cup every day. And, she likes to drink water out of a glass.
She loves to help me mix things in the kitchen. I give her a bowl and spoon to play with on the floor, but if she sees me mixing something, she wants to help me hold my spoon.
With all this learning, we're a little tired! Time for bed! Hope you all have a great night!
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