Penny loves to play Peek-A-Boo. She plays it in the car with her blankie and she plays it in her high chair with her hands. She plays it in church with the couple who sit near us and she plays it in her crib when we get her from her naps.
Since she received her first peek-a-boo book from our friend Lori (the Farm book), she's had tons of fun playing peek a boo with the animals and babies from the story.
Grandma and Grandpa found a few other Peek-A-Boo books at their local book store and sent them for Penny.
Every night, we read through all six peek-a-boo books. She is starting to recognize some of the animals and toys. When we get to the teddy bear page of one of the books, she stops to show me that there is a teddy bear on the cover of another book. And, when we get to the page with the train, she looks across the room to find her alphabet train and makes a "t" noise.
Out of all the cute things she does while reading, my favorite is when she gets to the mirrored page of one of the books...she kisses herself in the mirror :)
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