Time really does fly when you're having fun. And, fun is what we've been having. At 20 months, Penny is doing all sorts of amazing things and she's got all sorts of amazing opinions.
She asked if the pumpkin and scarecrow could be in her picture with the sign this month. I think she's actually starting to understand that her crazy mom does these monthly photos with her and she wants to play along. After you take a picture, she wants to see how it turned out. She LOVES to look at photos on the computer and my iPhone and recognizes her friends and family in various shots.
Her memory continues to amaze us. She is starting to use sentences. She talks about her friends and teachers from school. She says her ABC's and counts to 14 (we have 14 stairs before the landing on our back stairs and daddy counts with her every time they walk up or down). We love to hear her singing songs (she amazingly gets most of the words right, but my favorite part is when she makes up her own words for the ones she doesn't understand). She really likes Twinkle Twinkle, Ba-Ba Black Sheep, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Little Bunny Foo Foo and She'll be Coming Round the Mountain.
Over the past few weeks, she's really taken an interest in her doll babies. She loves to help put diapers and socks on them and then wrap them up in blankets. She also wants to feed them bottles :)
She still prefers to be outside. She has conquered the big kid side of the playground and loves her swing set. She also loves to "drive" her car and bike around the driveway. We still have endless hours of fun with sidewalk chalk and bubbles. And, she's getting more creative in her drawing- instead of just straight lines, we get squiggles and the occasional circle. We try to get her to trace shapes with us, and she's starting to pick up on more every day.
Speaking of art- Penny loves to paint and color. She asks to finger paint all the time. We painted some pumpkins for Halloween.
She's got strong opinions about food and will tell us "Penny does not like this". Breakfast foods are her favorite and we try to load fruits and veggies into our pancakes and waffles. She's still not eating much meat, but she has started to eat chicken nuggets...never did I think I'd be excited for my child to eat chicken nuggets, but I am. One thing she loves this fall is squash! She asks for it in the grocery store and loves to hold onto the butternut squash as we walk the rest of the isles saying "SQUASH!" whenever anyone will give her attention. She loves shopping! We've been going after school if it's rainy out. We have fun in the grocery store looking for colors and shapes and different fruits and veggies. Her favorite foods at the moment are squash, broccoli, carrots, plums, peaches and pears. She'd eat nothing but fruit if we let her. Well, she'd want mac and cheese and ravi's, too. And, let's not forget pumpkin ice cream. She had her first and second taste this fall at MerryMead Farm and it was love at first bite.
Over the past few weeks, she's really taken an interest in her doll babies. She loves to help put diapers and socks on them and then wrap them up in blankets. She also wants to feed them bottles :)
Speaking of art- Penny loves to paint and color. She asks to finger paint all the time. We painted some pumpkins for Halloween.
We are having tons of fun with our little 20 month old :)
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