Penny is 14 months old!
We're finally getting some rest in our house! Penny goes to bed around 7pm and wakes up between 5:30am - 6:30am most days and is super happy in the mornings. She naps from 1pm - 3pm on a big girl mat at school. She's getting much better about putting herself to sleep and she's sleeping through the night most nights (some mornings she wakes between 4am - 5am for a new diaper and goes right back to sleep).
Penny is doing much better with eating! Her favorite breakfast foods are waffles, yogurt and scrambled eggs. Her favorite lunch food is mac & cheese. And, her favorite dinner foods are perogies and ravioli. She's taking an interest in what mommy & daddy are eating and if we feed it to her from our plate, she'll generally eat it. Last night, she took bites from my hamburger. The other night, she demolished my plate of spaghetti. And, she loves fruit. Pears and bananas seem to be her favorite, but she'll eat almost any fruit other than peaches.
Penny loves socks and shoes. Daddy lets her pick her socks out each morning and if you ask her where they go, she tries to put them on her toes. When you ask, she will point to her hair, ears, nose, teeth, belly and toes.
Penny has strong opinions about what she wants. She points and says "dis" which is Penny speak for "this". And, because she can't always tell us what she wants, sometimes we see this face:
This face is usually accompanied by a whine noise that lets us know we failed to understand what "dis" was. We are trying to work with her on signs and signals so she can tell us what she wants. She's getting much better at showing us that she's hungry by opening her mouth to show us her hungry looking face and saying "more."
Penny has been sitting on the potty every night before bath time. She loves the potty! She is so proud when she goes and we're so proud of her for being so interested. We also love bath time and brushing our teeth (she's got two more teeth- her first molars came in, giving her ten total). In the tub, she helps me wash her hands by rubbing them together. She loves to splish splash and sometimes I think she could spend all night racing those tubby toy cars around the track.
We've finally finished up's hard to believe we made it a whole year with full time nursing and that we kept going for a few more weeks at bed time. We had such a great nursing experience. I know I was very lucky to have a mother's room at work and a schedule that allowed me to use it. Penny switched from bottle to nursing quite easily, which allowed us to continue after I went back to work. Even though she had her fair share of colds this past winter, I feel like nursing definitely helped in the health department (she did not have to be on antibiotics for any of her sickies). As hard as it was those first two months, it was relatively easy for us from then on out and I'm so thankful that it worked!
Penny is incredibly social right now. She plays shy at times, but she'll generally say hi to everyone and everything. She talks to people in the grocery store and at church. I've heard that she's a social butterfly during her buggy rides at school- she says hi to all the other teachers and loves to see the big kids. Tonight, she was saying hi to the construction crew building next door.
She loves to give hugs and blow kisses. She gives kisses to her stuffed animals and to herself in the mirror.
We're having a blast at 14 months!
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